AN IDEA OF THE WORLD IN WORDS - a coming of age trilogy set in 1980 where an 18 year old boy/man goes around the world about to enter a new era trying to find himself by following only a notion of freedom , or IT. India opens his eyes and takes him to a new world beyond words…
TRANSFORMATION is a small personal exploration of methods of psychic change embracing Christian conversion, Zen Buddhism and Psychotherapy,
BOOK OF MAL is a collection of short stories about MAL- ADJUSTED LOVE laying bare the difficult, sometimes desperate, passions of mid life, but within each painful episode there is a seed of peace, the pressing for resolution either though disillusion or acceptance in order to create the space for the possibility of Grace.
MILLENIUM HAMLET - 'To be or not to be? Ambivalent Toby Tickle, ‘the best Hamlet since Burton’, ten years on finds himself out of rehab a second time, a failed actor and forgotten celeb, skint, without a role or any possible deal with Heat. Wandering around 90’s Soho clutching his half finished script, Millennium Hamlet, From Soho to Silicon Valley , he is the Fall Guy in it’s C 21st fraud, and as the World enters crisis markets and towers collapsing about to go to War, we see Toby and his Love of Tina finally saved by a series of almost mystical interventions.